Psoriasis on the legs — causes and treatment

The disease occurs in any part of the body, and affects not only the skin but also the nails and joints.

The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of certain areas of the skin rashes of different sizes. They may be the diameter of a pea, and can reach the size of eggs. The spots are usually covered with white scales, which are easily eliminated, but when you try to clean the affected area of skin peeling will only get worse. In this article, we consider one type of psoriasis namely psoriasis on the leg. What are its types, causes and treatments discussed below.

The main causes of the disease


It is impossible to allocate the exact cause of the disease, because until now doctors and researchers have been able to get a reliable answer to the causes of the disease origin. Clinical studies are underway, or decades, but the disease is so complex that to explain his origin is not possible. There are a number of assumptions, which are discussed below. So, the provoking factor of psoriasis are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • some infectious diseases;
  • dry and cold climate;
  • the injury and friction of the skin;
  • effect on the skin chemicals and more.

The disease has several forms, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms. Next, consider the type of rash that can occur in humans and how psoriasis on the feet.

Speckled (common)

This is one of the most common forms of the disease. More than 80% of all patients have this type of pathology.

Noticed the psoriasis manifests itself in the appearance of numerous red spots, the rash spread quickly to his feet. Papules are usually small in size, their diameter is 2-3 cm, but without treatment, they merge together to form large lesions. Rash accompanied by severe discomfort and itching, when you try to remove the scales or trauma places, often there is bleeding. Psoriasis knees common, in this form.


This species is also common, but not as much as the previous one. Characterized by a drop or dot rash red or bright red in color. They protrude above the skin surface 1-2 mm, and very itchy.

Often, the precipitating factor in this form of the disease is to transfer the patient to a respiratory infection. This form can appear on the knees and other parts of the foot.

Pustular psoriasis (exudative)

This type is less common, however, is much more difficult. Treatment takes time and requires a comprehensive approach. The view is characterized by rash in the form of blisters, clear or purulent contents. Often appears in the feet and lower legs. The patient's skin hot, frequent bleeding. Treatment for psoriasis feet this type rarely give instant results. It is characterized by frequent relapses.

Inverse psoriasis

psoriasis oct

Here are shown the smooth pink spots are not accompanied by flaking. In some cases the flaking dermis is still observed, but is weak or moderate. Also inverse psoriasis has lesions that don't rise above the skin surface. The localization of such disease of the hip (on the inside). Patients often this kind of disease psoriasis of the thighs.


Means psoriasis of the nails and the skin around them. The characteristic symptoms, is a change in the color, the shape of the nail plate. With the progression of the disease, the nail peels away from the body of the finger, resulting in ugly scarring and severe deformities.

Eritrodermicheskii watch

One of the forms of the disease, which are very difficult to treat. Symptoms of the disease are quite extensive, and is accompanied by heavy and painful skin lesions. Human skin is highly inflamed and flaking. All this leads to severe swelling, itching, pain. Lymph nodes of the patient increased and the sick.

Most often Eritrodermicheskii psoriasis due to improper treatment of other, lighter forms. Sometimes, however, the pathology arises independently.

Arthritis psoriatic arthritis

A very serious form of psoriasis is associated with severe pain in the joints and muscles. Painful sensations are accompanied by severe swelling of the tissues, the skin has a red hue.

Treatment for psoriasis feet

Based on years of practice in the treatment of psoriasis, found out the impossibility of its complete cure. All efforts will be mainly directed at elimination of symptoms, restoration of the skin, as well as preventive measures aimed at maintaining long-term remission. So, how to deal with psoriasis on the feet?

Doctors recommend treatment such as a serious illness, using a holistic approach, which includes medical treatment, national treatment, and methods of physical therapy.

Mild disease most often used material for local use. It creams, lotions, gels. It can be drugs endocrine basis and hormonal basis. Such drugs are:

  • salicylic cream;
  • prednizalonovaya;
  • zinc ointment;
  • daivonex and others.

Quadratic forms, together with the medication used light therapy, laser therapy and cryotherapy and plazmoforez. Often, when complications of the disease using creams corticosteroids. These are:

  • cortisone;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • darmoveit and others.

As for the treatment of psoriasis treatment legs? If the disease comes to the final, most severe stage, treatment includes multiple medications. Drugs used in common activities. Most often it is hormonal, there is a strong effect. It is also important to include vitamin therapy and antihistamine medication.

Traditional medicine


People often for various reasons, who are looking for alternative treatments, refusing to synthetic drugs. How to cure psoriasis on foot with the help of folk remedies, find out the following.

Often clean the skin, use herbal medicine. A combination of herbs, such as chamomile, celandine, succession, calendula, nettle, let it gently relieves itch, inflammation. Herbal teas help to strengthen the body and better skin regeneration.

Effective natural products against psoriasis is a birch tar, and pine are also used. On the basis of tar to prepare ointments, creams, highly effective cleaning with soap degtyarnogo.

Coal-tar soap to cure psoriasis

- Eliminate the symptoms of a bee product like propolis. It is used together with different parts.

When using traditional medicine should consider the risk of allergic reactions and complications. So you can avoid all this, it is recommended to discuss this treatment with your doctor.